Celso de Lemos New York City's e-commerce communicates with the other side of the Atlantic. It is a website that fully aligns with the aesthetic and digital presence of the brand, while also serving as a product catalog for the Abyss Habidecor and Celso de Lemos brands and enabling the purchase of these high-end Portuguese products. This solution promotes the dissemination of concepts and creates bridges and points of contact with the in-store experience. Click the link to explore the online project: https://www.celsodelemosnyc.com.
At www.portodeaveiro.pt, you will find everything there is to know about this century-old institution. With the signature "sustainability, growth, and innovation," this intuitive website allows you to explore the Port of Aveiro from top to bottom, learn about its services and solutions, read news, and access all specialized information. The layout is fully aligned with the award-winning rebranding graphic line of the brand, which was also developed by us.